Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To

Printer Friendly Version
Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes to 1 hour

This lesson is on Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To and the signs you use in each equation. Students will have a worksheet to do.


Students will learn:
About Greater Than
About Less Than
About Equal To

Materials Needed

Pencils and Erasers


First, you will explain the different signs used in equations.

You use < to show less than and > to show greater than.

The arrow points to the smaller number.

Example: 5 > 4 or 2 < 6 or 5 = 5

5 is greater than 4 or 2 is less than 6 or 5 is equal to 5

Worksheet - Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To

Directions: Add the signs to show the following equations.

1. 5 is greater than 2

2. 6 is less than 19

3. 49 ____ 49

4. 5 + 2 ____ 2 + 5

5. 4 x 4 is ____ 5 x 4.

6. 5 x 5 is ____ 25 x 1.

7. 6 + 4 is ____ 5 + 5.

8. 15 _____ 15.

9. 64 ____ 8 x 8.

10. 15 ____ 5 x 2.

11. 49 ____ 6 x 7.

12. 100 ____ 25 x 4.

13. 1024____1023.

14. 2029____2029.

15. 12345____1245.

16. 176890____175890.

17. (2 x 3) ____ (3 x 2).

18. (4 x 15) ____ (90 + 0).

19. 95 ____ (90 + 5).

20. $500.00 _____ $490 + 5).



Each problem is worth 5 points.

100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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