Decimals and Percents - Part One

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Grade Level
Middle School
Length of Time
1 hour

In this lesson, students will change decimals into percents.


Students will learn:
About decimals and percents.
How to change decimals into percents *

Materials Needed

The worksheet I have included in this lesson
Pencils and erasers


First, you will copy the worksheet so that each student will have one.

Then, you will explain to the students how to change decimals into percents.

To change decimals into percents, you move the decimal point two places to the right and add the percent sign. For example:

2.27 = 227% .75 = 75%

After that, you will pass out the worksheet so that students can work on them independently.

Worksheet - Changing Decimals into Percents

Directions: Change the follow decimal numbers into percents.

1. 4.05

2. 66.75

3. .002

4. 2.2

5. 6.67

6. .75

7. .40

8. .809

9. .99

10. .65

11. .76

12. .891

13. .003

14. 5.67

15. 2.55

16. .044

17. .652

18. 5.55

19. 6.78

20. 9.99 Answer Sheet

1. 4.05 = 405%

2. 66.75 = 6675%

3. .002 = 2%

4. 2.2 = 220%

5. 6.67 = 667%

6. .75 = 75%

7. .40 = 40%

8. .809 = 80.9%

9. .99 = 99%

10. .65 = 65%

11. .76 = 76%

12. .891 = 89.1%

13. .003 = .3%

14. 5.67 = 567%

15. 2.55 = 255%

16. .044 = 4.4%

17. .652 = 65.2%

18. 5.55 = 555%

19. 6.78 = 678%

20. 9.99 = 999%


Each problem is worth five points.

100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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