Increasing Vocabulary Skills

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Grade Level
High School
Length of Time

The students will read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. As they read the book, they will write down every word they don't know and look the words up in a dictionary and write out a definition. They will also use each word in a sentence.


Learn to read for understanding
Learn new words
Learn how to use the dictionary when they come across unfamiliar words
Learn how to spell the new words
Learn how to use each word in a sentence

Materials Needed

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Spiral Notebook
Pens and whiteouts or pens with erasers


The students in each class you teach will need a copy of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Before you begin having them read their book, you can tell them they need to purchase The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and a spiral notebook. They also need to have some pens and whiteouts or pens with erasers. Then, you will assign the book to them and as they read the book, you need to have them write down each word they don't know. After that, they will look up the words in a dictionary and write down the meaning so they will develop their vocabulary skills. When they have finished that assignment, then they need to use each word in a sentence to make sure they understand their new words. Finally, you will collect their notebooks after they have completed the assignment so you can grade them. This will help you to know what words gave them difficulty in the book and if they understand the words now.


You can grade them on the spelling of each word, their definitions, and if they used each word correctly in the sentences.

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