2010 City Rankings - Colorado Elementary Schools

The city rankings were calculated by taking the standardized tests used by Colorado to determine the proficiency level across varying grades and subjects for elementary schools in the state. These school percentile ranks were then averaged for all elementary schools in each city and ordered from highest to lowest. The tests and subjects used to determine the percentile ranks can be found below. Learn more about how rankings are determined.

CSAP Exams Used To Determine Rankings

  • Math
  • Reading
  • Science
  • Writing
Find a City's Ranking:
Rank City Name Percentile Changed From 2009
966Gilcrest, Colorado
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 223
22.21 760
910Ignacio, Colorado
Elementary Schools: 2 | Total Enrollment: 422
20.31 707
999Olathe, Colorado
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 497
17.60 792
1042Edgewater, Colorado
Elementary Schools: 2 | Total Enrollment: 957
15.44 833
1006Clifton, Colorado
Elementary Schools: 2 | Total Enrollment: 1,086
13.32 796
1107Center, Colorado
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 315
6.28 896
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