2010 City Rankings - Indiana Elementary Schools

The city rankings were calculated by taking the standardized tests used by Indiana to determine the proficiency level across varying grades and subjects for elementary schools in the state. These school percentile ranks were then averaged for all elementary schools in each city and ordered from highest to lowest. The tests and subjects used to determine the percentile ranks can be found below. Learn more about how rankings are determined.

ISTEP+ Exams Used To Determine Rankings

  • English Language Arts
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies
Find a City's Ranking:
Rank City Name Percentile Changed From 2009
1337Glenwood, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 102
24.15 1066
1338Waterloo, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 254
24.15 934
1349East Chicago, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 8 | Total Enrollment: 4,058
22.35 1074
1356North Judson, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 572
21.38 948
1365Austin, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 641
21.03 951
613South Bend, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 29 | Total Enrollment: 14,470
Has one elementary school that won a "Blue Ribbon Schools Award"
This City Has School(s) That Have Received The Blue Ribbon Schools Award21.00 607
1316Wolcottville, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 2 | Total Enrollment: 391
20.68 916
1447Hammond, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 13 | Total Enrollment: 7,279
20.25 1054
1407New Haven, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 3 | Total Enrollment: 1,318
20.13 1059
1380Shelburn, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 180
19.49 964
1393Patricksburg, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 230
17.88 973
1414Taylorsville, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 628
16.29 996
1438Hoagland, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 386
14.61 1017
1434Cannelton, Indiana
Elementary Schools: 1 | Total Enrollment: 285
14.18 1012
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