2010 School Rankings - Michigan Middle Schools

The school rankings were calculated by taking the standardized tests used by Michigan to determine the proficiency level across varying grades and subjects for middle schools in the state. The tests and subjects used can be found below. Learn more about how rankings are determined.

MEAP Exams Used To Determine Rankings

  • Math
  • Reading
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Writing
Find a School's Ranking:
Rank School Name Percentile Changed From 2009
801Phoenix Academy
Detroit, MI 48209 | Grades: KG-8 | Enrollment: 535
Detroit City School District
3.58 38
802Timbuktu Academy of Science and Technology
Detroit, MI 48214 | Grades: KG-8 | Enrollment: 336
Timbuktu Academy of Science and Technology
3.41 5
803Madison Middle School
Grand Rapids, MI 49507 | Grades: 6-8 | Enrollment: 304
Grand Rapids Public Schools District
3.07 17
804Noble Elementary School
Detroit, MI 48238 | Grades: KG-8 | Enrollment: 528
Detroit City School District
2.94 13
805Bethune Academy
Detroit, MI 48238 | Grades: KG-8 | Enrollment: 629
Detroit City School District
2.92 35
806Murphy Middle School
Detroit, MI 48223 | Grades: KG-8 | Enrollment: 572
Detroit City School District
2.81 28
807Scott, Brenda Middle School
Detroit, MI 48205 | Grades: 6-8 | Enrollment: 495
Detroit City School District
1.90 34
808Hull Middle School
Benton Harbor, MI 49022 | Grades: 6-8 | Enrollment: 284
Benton Harbor Area Schools District
1.56 16
809Hancock School
Detroit, MI 48238 | Grades: KG-8 | Enrollment: 43
Detroit City School District
0.8 39
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