About Us


LocalSchoolDirectory.com's goal is to provide the most up-to-date and extensive data on over 130,000 public and private schools, as well as thousands of school districts across the U.S. To place a human side to this data, we supplement it with parent and other user reviews, which can provide information to our users that can't be found in the data.

History and Growth

We started our mission in 2005 and have grown tremendously with an overwhelming amount of positive response about the school profiles we provide. We began as a simple school directory providing enrollment and contact information for all schools, but now we have thousands of schools who are registered with our website updating their profiles daily.

What We Offer

Some of the information that is presented on school profiles include contact information, enrollment, faculty experience and details, assessment (e.g. state standardized tests) and accountability (e.g. graduation rates) information, as well as LocalSchoolDirectory.com proprietary ratings and rankings.

LocalSchoolDirectory.com Ratings and Rankings

The vast majority of public schools in our directory have a LocalSchoolDirectory.com Rating Scale from A-F. These ratings are calcuated using proprietary weighted factors based on state assessment information. This information is then used to create statewide rankings of schools, cities and school districts for elementary, middle and high school grades.

School Reviews by Parents and Community

Users can rate and review public and private schools on our website. There are tens of thousands of reviews already posted by users that provide a great overview of the school environment and daily curriculum.

Data Tools & Widgets

We also offer access to K-12 public and private school data via a free school data web service API or by using the easy to implement school listings widget.

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