Africa - Comparison and Contrast Paper
For this lesson, students will write a comparison and contrast paper about two places in Africa.
First, you will need to talk about Africa and the different locations in Africa.
After that, students will need to look through their social studies books and choose two locations in Africa they would like to write a comparison and contrast paper on and write an outline.
They can write a list of the two locations or use the Venn Diagram where they have two circles with the circles interlocking in the middle. The large circles will consist of each location and what they do not have in common. The middle circle will consist of the areas they have in common. This will help the students write their paper.
After that, they will write their comparison and contrast paper over the two locations they chose in Africa.
When they have completed their paper, you can collect them and grade them.
The students can do this as a class assignment or as a homework assignment.
You can grade the students on the structure of their paper and the mechanics.
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
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